Using a needle and thread was never my forte. When I needed my pant hem fixed, well, my mom would sew it or I would go to the local tailor. My mom did try to teach me several times and I really wasn't interested in learning. So what a shock when I decided to take up sewing! With a machine of course! DUH!
It all began with a client bedroom. It was one of my first jobs as a designer. We needed FABULOUS throw pillows for the bed in a terra cotta color. Well, of course it was spring, not fall, and that color was not "in", so coming across THE right pillow was not happening. Searching and searching and coming up empty handed with every store I went into or checked online, until I went into
Zimman's Fabric in Lynn MA. Just as I walked in, bam, there was the perfect terra cotta print/fabric. One problem. We need it to be in the form of a throw pillow. Well that was it. I purchased 2 yards of fabric and went straight to the craft store for thread, pins and a sewing machine.
I sat in front of the computer for the next 2 hours watching video after video of how to sew a pillow with a sewing machine. Well, I got it first try! YAY me! So of course with this expensive fabric I wasn't going to ruin it. I had to keep practicing. I had extra fabric laying around from other projects so I began to make different size pillows, envelope closures, zipper closures, I made as many as I could with the fabric I had.
I made 4 20x20 pillows for my client's bedroom and they were PERFECT! I couldn't have been happier with the result. I really had to give myself a pat on the back. She was thrilled!
So that's where it began. Today I make throw pillows for a lot of my clients. Especially those that have a specific idea of what they want and want a print or fabric that is only available to the trade. I am working on drapery now!
Here are some pillows I have recently made and put up on the
website for sale. I also make custom pillows with fabric selection, trim selection and in every size.
Indoor Pillow. taupe, white & gold floral
Outdoor Pillow: blue & white swirls
Indoor Pillow: White with black quatrafoil print trimmed in silver.
Indoor Pillow: Yellow & White Moroccan print.
Indoor Pillow: Black,grey and white chevron print.
One of my custom throw pillows will be up for the Friday Facebook Giveaway. It's a surprise which pillow! So, if you haven't already "liked" Distinctive Design By Gina on Facebook. Click
HERE and make sure to like the page!
Distinctive Design By Gina on Facebook is the
only way to be qualified to win. GOOD LUCK!