You thought I was going somewhere else with that, sorry. Not quite ready...yet.
We are soooo in love with George. He has taken up so much of our time over the last few weeks we barely have any time to do much after work. He is a French Bulldog and he is the cutest, smartest little guy. At 9 weeks I taught him to sit and come to his name (although he has "selective hearing" - ehhmm, ladies you understand). We are working on "giving paw" and "rolling over".
He's been home for almost 2 weeks and has adjusted to life here in Boston very well. He loves his big sister, Bodi (chocolate lab) and although she wasn't very fond of him in the beginning, she has now realized he isn't going anywhere. As of recent Bodi starting to take him under her wing. (or paw....) and teach him the ropes. He follows her everywhere. It really is so endearing!
Right now we just love to play with him and take a bazillion photo's. He is changing everyday. Currently he has 1 ear straight up but the other is slowly catching up.
Here are a few pics to share.
His favorite toy, his lion baby. Trying to find a good place to hide it.
First car the vet.
Sleeping on Derek.
George sleeping pose. Upside down or head hanging off the bed.
Just being George. This was his take on his 3rd day home.
Trying to organize my magazines and of course he starts to teeth on them!
In his pen with Bodi keeping him company
Wild Bat Pig!
Chewing on everything he can. Can't wait for the "teething" stage to be over!
Licking peanut butter out of the Kong pacifier.
Our next mission... To get him to DANCE...yes dance. Just like this guy.
More pics of George to come as he grows with our family!
Design Your Life!
What a sweetheart. I love French Bulldogs. George is a great name.